43K Late Property Tax Bills Still Have Time to Avoid Additional Penalties
Paying by e-Check is Fast & Free at sdttc.com
SAN DIEGO, May 19, 2023 - San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister sent 43,100 notices today to property owners who did not pay all 2022-2023 property taxes, announcing that there is still time to avoid additional penalties if the bills are paid by June 30.
“On July 1, unpaid bills will go into default and receive additional penalties of 1.5% each month,” said McAllister. “That penalty adds up to a hefty 18% per year but is avoidable if payments are received by the June 30 deadline.” Taxpayers can quickly and easily pay their bills online at sdttc.com at no additional cost if payment is made using the free e-Check option.
Property taxes are due in two installments. The first delinquent date is in December and the second is in April. Each late installment has already incurred a 10% penalty, plus a $10 fee if the second installment is late.
The total remaining taxes due is $173 million. The Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office (TTC) mailed 3,000 more late notices this year compared to last year, when $134 million in property taxes was due before the June 30 default deadline.
So far, the TTC has collected 98.80% of first installments and 96.92% of second installments.
“There is still a small percentage of bills that are not yet paid, and we want to remind taxpayers that there’s still time to avoid additional penalties,” McAllister concluded.
The possibility of increased penalties is not the only incentive to pay unpaid taxes by June 30. Under California State law, properties that have been in default for five years may be sold at a tax sale.