Delinquent Property Taxes: Deadline to Pay Today, July 1!
Paying by e-Check at sdttc.com is secure, quick, and free!
SAN DIEGO, CA, July 1, 2024 – San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister is reminding property owners that are delinquent in paying their property taxes, that today, Monday, July 1, 2024, is the last day to pay property taxes before further penalties. Because the normal June 30th deadline fell on Sunday, taxpayers get an additional day to pay. After today, unpaid bills will go into default and receive additional penalties of 1.5% each month.
“The deadline to pay your delinquent property taxes and avoid additional penalties is TODAY,” said McAllister. “Unpaid bills will go into default and receive an additional $33 redemption fee plus penalties that can add up to 18% a year – that is substantial.”
“We have several payment options available – mail, phone, in-person - but the quickest and most secure way to pay is online at sdttc.com.”
Payment options and deadline details:
- Pay online by e-check – Go to sdttc.com and pay before midnight, July 1, 2024.
- Pay by mail – Mail postmarked payment before/on July 1, 2024.
- Pay by phone – Payments can be made by phone at 855-829-3773.
- Pay in person – Visit one of the three branches before 5pm, July 1. Locations here.
“Property taxes fund essential county and city services,” said McAllister. “Public health, public schools, and many more critical services are funded by these tax dollars.”