ONE WEEK to pay! Property Taxes due Dec. 10, 2024
Record Breaking $9+ Billion Billed This year. Taxpayers Urged to Pay Online at SDTTC.COM
SAN DIEGO, CA, December 3, 2024 – San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister is reminding San Diego property owners that they have one week to pay the first installment of their property taxes, before they are delinquent, and penalties incur. Property tax payments are expected to generate $9.08 billion dollars for the region, a new record.
“The deadline to pay the first installment of your property taxes without incurring penalties is a week away – Tuesday, December 10, 2024!” said McAllister. “The easiest, quickest, and most secure way to pay is online at sdttc.com. I encourage every homeowner to save themselves the trip to a branch, or save the stamp needed to mail it, and pay easily online at sdttc.com.”
All 1,017,929 secured tax bills are available now at sdttc.com to view and pay. Property owners can pay online free using an e-check (electronic check). Taxpayers will also get an immediate, emailed receipt for payment confirmation if they use the online payment system at sdttc.com.
The first property tax installment was due on November 1, 2024, and becomes delinquent after December 10, 2024. The second installment is due February 1, 2025, and becomes delinquent after April 10, 2025.
Property owners can find their tax bill information online or call the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office toll free at 877-829-4732. Click here to see how taxes are allocated.
- PAY BY E-CHECK – sdttc.com, fast & free!
- PAY BY MAIL – 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 162, San Diego, CA 92101.
- PAY BY PHONE – Call 855-829-3773 to pay with credit card. A 2.19% fee is applied by the credit card company for transaction costs.
- PAY USING PAYMENT DROP BOXES – If paying by check, use the Payment Drop Box located at each branch location.
PAY IN PERSON – Check sdttc.com for hours of operation
- Downtown Branch, San Diego County Administration Center (Cash Accepted Here): 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101
- East County Branch: 10144 Mission Gorge Road, Santee, CA 92071
- Chula Vista Branch: 590 Third Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910
- San Marcos Branch: 141 East Carmel Street, San Marcos, CA 92078